Provider Membership

Who are Provider Members?

Provider membership is appropriate for any company that owns, manages, or operates a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) in California, whether specializing in Assisted Living, Memory Care or CCRCs.

What Can CALA Do for You?

Here are just a few of the many benefits available to you as a CALA provider member:

Dues and Membership Criteria

Assisted Living and Memory Care

Assisted Living and Memory Care dues are based upon the number of licensed rooms at each community:

  • $41 per RCFE Licensed Unit, $410 minimum per location
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CCRC dues are based upon the number of units in which Assisted Living Services are provided as well as a calculation based on the total number of licensed units.

  • $41 per RCFE Licensed Unit in Which Assisted Living Services are Provided and:
up to 50 $820
51 – 100 $1125
100 – 150 $1,650
151 – 250 $2200
251 and above    $2770

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CALA member companies are required to enroll all California RCFEs into membership. One primary member/contact at each location receives all mailings. All employees at each location are considered members for conference and product pricing.



For more information regarding CALA provider membership, contact Cindi Alvidrez, Membership Manager or call (916) 448-1900.

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