2019-2020 Legislation
AB 685 (Reyes) COVID-19 exposure: notification – OPPOSE
CALA is part of a large coalition in opposition to AB 685, which would impose additional COVID-19 reporting and employee notification requirements on all employers regardless of reporting that already takes place. RCFEs and CCRCs currently report COVID-positive residents and employees to DSS and the local public health department. They also notify residents, their families, and employees of positive cases at the facility. In addition, they provide daily updates on those cases to DSS and local public health. There is public access to the information on the DSS public website. AB 685 would add another duplicative and unclear reporting requirement on care providers who are already working tirelessly in the fight against this pandemic. Recent amendments give Cal OSHA the authority to shut down a business that “exposes workers to risk of infection with COVD and constitutes an imminent hazard to employees.” Unilateral authority to close an RCFE, CCRC, or other 24/7 care facility could pose significant risk to residents and patients receiving care. CALA secured a commitment from the author to exempt RCFEs from the competing reporting protocol outlined in this bill when the legislature reconvenes in January. CALA will continue to fight against this bill.
AB 890 (Wood) Nurse practitioners: scope of practice – SUPPORT
The signature of AB 890 represents a huge victory for every Californian to expand access to health care providers. CALA has been an ongoing supporter of scope of practice bills such as AB 890 that allows California nurse practitioners to operate at the full extent of their education and licensure with proper oversight.
AB 2213 (Limón) Office of Emergency Services: model guidelines – SUPPORT
One of the few emergency preparedness bills to make it through the session was signed by Governor Newsom. AB 2213 requires the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to coordinate with California Volunteers and Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) to create guidance that incorporates local government, non-profit, faith-based, and other community groups and private sector organizations active in disasters and curate resources to help with disaster response. This new law will also further inform the planning process of local governments to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and ensure robust participation in emergency planning. AB 2213 allows local governments to use various data to add residents to their emergency alert system, with an option to opt out and delete access to the information.
AB 1766 (Bloom) RCFE data collection: serious mental disorder – WATCH
Governor Newsom signed AB 1766 into law. AB 1766 requires, beginning May 1, 2021, DSS to provide annual and quarterly reports to county mental health and behavioral health departments regarding licensed RCFEs and ARFs in the county that accept SSP and accept residents with a serious mental disorder, as well as the number of licensed beds, and the facilities that have closed since the previous report.
Failed Legislation
AB 2926 (Calderon) RCFE referral agencies – SUPPORT
Referral agency legislation has failed once again and did not make it past the Senate Appropriations Committee. While AB 2926 did not address the full range of consumer protections CALA supports, it would have been a step forward in providing some degree of transparency and disclosure for consumers who utilize referral agency services.
AB 2047 (Aguiar-Curry) Emergency services: Alzheimer’s disease: dementia – SUPPORT
This Alzheimer’s Association sponsored bill would have addressed the specific needs of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in county emergency preparedness plans. This bill was never heard in a Senate policy committee and will not move forward.
SB 431 (McGuire) Mobile telephone communications infrastructure – SUPPORT
SB 431 would have required the California Public Utilities Commission to develop and implement performance reliability standards for backup power systems, to ensure that backup power systems are reliable and effective in the event of a power outage and residents can receive vitally important emergency notifications. This bill did not make it out of Assembly Appropriations.