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These reminders explain Title 22 regulations in a way that’s easy to understand to help ensure compliance and quality care. Access to these resources is a benefit of membership. Please sign in to view the content. Non-members, please contact Kevin Swartzendruber to inquire about membership in CALA.
Preadmission Fee Refunds (Jul 2013) Required Rate Disclosures (Updated 2022)
Records Retention (Feb 2017) Liability Insurance (May 2015)
Delayed Egress Requirements (Sept 2014)
Updated Hospice Regulations Impact Hospice Plan (Feb 2023) Hospice Waiver Documentation (Feb 2023) POLST Forms in RCFEs (Feb 2023)
Licensee Rights for Site Visits (Dec 2023) Deficiencies (Mar 2019)
Electronic Physician Signatures & Hospital Discharge Summaries (Sept 2019) Assistance with Eye, Ear, and Nose Drops (Oct 2014) Bi-annual Review of Medication Program (Apr 2014) Documentation of PRN Orders (Dec 2013) Crushing Medication (May 2014)
Theft and Loss Policy (Sept 2020)
Hoyer Lifts (Jun 2024) Calling 911 (Nov 2022) Needs and Services Plan Documentation (Jan 2020) Emergency Preparedness (Aug 2019) Exceptions and Waivers (May 2019) Long-Term Care Ombudsman (Mar 2018) Planned Activities (Jun 2017) Documentation of Resident Care (Nov 2013)
Posting Requirements in RCFEs (Feb 2018) Advertisements and License Number (Oct 2016) DSS Complaint Poster (May 2016)
Temporary Staff (Jun 2022) Theft and Loss Policy (Sept 2020) Staff Training for Re-hired Direct Care Staff (Jul 2018) Abuse Training (May 2018) Staff Training Portability (Dec 2017) LGBT Training and Cultural Competency (Dec 2016) Qualifications for Caregiver Instructors (Dec 2015) Change of Administrator (May 2015) Home Health in Assisted Living (Jun 2013)
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